ISO standards are internationally agreed by experts

ISO 14001
Certification to ISO 14001 within your organisation shows your employees, customers, suppliers, partners and the general public that you are actively committed to environmental protection. This boosts your reputation and the trust placed in your organisation.
With the ISO 14001 standard, you are constantly striving to reduce your impact on the environment with account taken of your processes, production, products and services. The ISO 14001 standard covers aspects such as leadership, planning, support, operations, evaluation and improvement. The sections of ISO 14001 have the same structure as ISO 9001 and ISO 45001 which is ideal for integrating the standard within your existing management system. This also lays the foundation for continued corrective and improvement processes throughout your organisation.
ISO 9001:2015
Standards facilitate our daily routine and life in many areas. Standards ensure that these systems are brought together, which is just what the ISO 9001 standard does.
The ISO 9001:2015 quality management system is your leadership and guidance system and has successfully established itself on a global basis.
It is applicable not only to organisations manufacturing products but also to those providing services. There are good reasons for introducing it, such as systematic customer focus, process-driven approaches with continuous improvement, structure and transparency. And also because it is more cost-effective for your organisation to avoid mistakes rather than pay dearly for them in the end. Risk-based management helps prevent hazards and enables good use to be made of opportunities.
ISO 9001 : 2015
(Quality Management Certification)
ISO 14001: 2015
(Environmental Management Certification)
ISO 13485: 2016
(Medical Devices)
ISO 45001
(Occupational Health and Safety Certification)
ISO 3834
(Welding Technical Requirements)
ISO 50001
(Energy Management System Certification)
ISO 22000
(Food Safety Certification)
ISO 28000
Security Management
Food Safety
EN 15224
Health Care
ISO 10001
Customer Satisfaction
ISO 31000
Risk Management
ISO 22716:2007
Cosmetics GMP
ISO 41001
Facility Management
ISO 26000
Social Responsibility
ISO 27001
Information Security Certification
ISO 22301:2019
Security and resilience
ISO 20000-1 IT Service Management Certification
ISO 55001
Asset Management Certification
ISO 30401
Knowledge Management Certification
ISO 56002
(Innovation Management System Certification)
ISO 21001
(Educational Organization Certification)
ISO 21001:2018
ISO 21001:2018 specifies requirements for a management system for educational organizations (EOMS) when such an organization:
- Needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of competence through teaching, learning or research;
- Aims to enhance satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff through the effective application of its EOMS, including processes for improvement of the system and assurance of conformity to the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries.
ISO 21001:2018 can be applied to educational organizations within larger organizations whose core business is not education, such as professional training departments.
ISO 21001:2018 does not apply to organizations that only produce or manufacture educational products.
All requirements of ISO 21001:2018 are generic and intended to be applicable to any organization that uses a curriculum to support the development of competence through teaching, learning or research, regardless of the type, size or method of delivery.